With us you will start in a few days on all European and worldwide Amazon marketplaces.
Reach potential customers worldwide and create additional revenue streams.

Internationalization of your Amazon store.

Do you want to expand your online business on international Amazon markets? Then you've come to the right place! As experienced Amazon specialists, we support you in all challenges of internationalization.

From shipping to tax aspects, product translations, market research to optimizing your Amazon campaigns - we offer comprehensive consulting for all aspects of international sales on Amazon.

With our experienced team of Amazon specialists, we provide you with personalized advice. Together we can successfully build and grow your online business in international Amazon markets.

Contact us today to take your Amazon internationalization to the next level.

Possibilities through shipping with Amazon (Fulfilment by Amazon - FbA)

EFN - European Shipping Network

  • Easy and fast way to start with FbA
  • The goods are stored exclusively in DE
  • Shipping exclusively from German Amazon logistics locations
  • Higher fees for cross-border shipping

Amazon warehouse in european countries.

PAN-EU Pan European Shipping with Amazon

  • Storage of the goods in logistics centers of the EU of Amazon
  • The shipment of the goods is done automatically by Amazon
  • Significantly lower fees compared to EFN
  • Increased demands on tax recording

Stock in the marketplace country

  • Storage of goods in all Amazon logistics centers
  • Warehousing is the responsibility of the retailer - no shipment on the part of Amazon
  • Full control over the inventory in the country
  • Significantly lower fees compared to EFN
  • Increased requirement for tax recording
  • UK as marketplace country possible

Outlook for further opportunities for expansion with Amazon

  • Using Turkey as a gateway to the Middle East
  • Control and management via the European Account
  • FbA already under construction

Furthermore, mixed forms between storage in the marketplace country and shipping by PAN EU are also possible. These can be found in SellerCentral under Shipping settings as shown below. If you need advice or tips and tricks, just contact us. We are also happy to advise you on all aspects of entering the world.

Links to related topics:

  • free account check and potential analysis
  • native translations for strong-selling listings
  • professional product photos with multilingualism in the images
  • seasonal Amazon SEO - accurate, meticulous and still readable
  • Brandstore and A+ content that pops

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