How can we help?

If you have questions or technical problems while using metaprice, there are several support channels available to you.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

What is repricing and how does it work?

Repricing is an automatic price adjustment process that dynamically adjusts the price of a product based on various factors such as inventory, competitor prices, and sales velocity.

How do I benefit from repricing software as an Amazon and eBay seller?

With repricing software, Amazon and ebay merchants can automatically adjust their sales prices to stay competitive and increase their sales and margins.

Can I use the software for other marketplaces as well?

Our repricing software is currently only available for Amazon and eBay. We will connect other marketplaces in the future.

How easy is it to set up and use the software?

The setup and operation of our software is intuitive and user-friendly. The software runs web-based and no installation is necessary. Our team is always available for a detailed introduction and support.

How secure is my data when using the software?

Your data is safe with us because we adhere to strict privacy policies, which are regularly reviewed by Amazon and eBay.

Will my prices be adjusted automatically or can I intervene manually?

Price and price limits or strategies can be changed at any time. The system is available 24 hours a day.

How often are my prices updated?

Your prices will be updated at regular intervals to stay up to date. On average, we send new prices to Amazon and eBay every 2 minutes.

Can I also set pricing rules for specific products or categories?

Yes, you can set individual pricing rules for specific products or categories.

How much does it cost to use the repricing software?

We look at your business as dynamically as your prices. On average, our customers pay less than 200€. Contact us for an individual offer.

For which countries is the repricing software available?

We can target all available countries for both Amazon and eBay.

What are min and max prices?

Your minimum and maximum prices serve as a limit set by you for price optimization and will not be undercut or exceeded.

How do I link my Amazon account with metaprice?

Wenn du deinen Amazon Account verknüpfen möchtest, gehe einfach auf folgenden Link und melde dich direkt über diesen Link im Sellercentral bei uns an:

How do I link my eBay account with metaprice?

Simply register at and confirm the email. Log in to your account and follow the instructions there to link your account.

Is there a minimum term for contracts?

The minimum term is 1 month. We also offer terms of 3, 6, 12 and 24 months.

How can I pay bills?

We can conveniently debit the monthly costs from your bank account by direct debit or you can pay by invoice.

Can I use your software even though I use an enterprise resource planning system?

Yes, that is no problem. We can even automatically import data from your ERP system into our system and export it again.

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Fair pricing models
Short contract terms